Sunday, June 21, 2009

Things People Don't Tell You About Being Pregnant

We all know that eventually you can't bend over as your belly grows bigger but we don't think of all the things that this hampers. Every day things like tying your shoes (flip flops: one benefit of being prego in the summer) becomes quite the accomplishment if you can do it. Okay, so I guess you do realize that tying shoes will become difficult but there are other things...

Things like shaving your legs. Somehow I've managed to still be able to do this without bending over, I just simply lift each leg. Maybe this flexibility will be helpful in labor, I don't know. However, I have 7 more weeks to go and I know I'm going to get bigger, way bigger, so I feel I will have a challenge on my hands (or legs) come the middle of July.

Here's one I never thought about before, I can't cross my legs when sitting anymore without difficulty. I often have to manually, with my hands, lift whichever leg I wish to cross over the other. And then its not really that comfortable, its too restricting.

The first thing I experienced without warning was before I even had a belly. Brushing my teeth made me sick. This usually happened at night. It wasn't the toothpaste but major gag reflex. After the initial dry heaving or vomiting though, I was fine and could brush my teeth without a problem. Weird.

Random strangers will talk to you everytime you leave the house. I had a woman, a drunk woman, at a NASCAR race, poke my belly button and say, "look, you're belly button is sticking out." Really? I let it slide...I'm sure it was the many bottles of Bud in her bloodstream. A woman at the mall told me I didn't look pregnant from behind, whatever that means. Let me tell you, when I get out of the shower and catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror, I do look pregnant from behind. And you will answer the same questions over and over and over and over and over again..."When are you due or how far along are you?" "Do you know what you're having?" "Do you have a name picked out?" "How are you feeling?" And after you answer all of these questions you usually get a "good luck."

So when a pregnant woman has hairy legs, isn't sitting very lady like, and seems bored with the questions you are asking her, its not her fault. And yes, she will need luck to get through it all.